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Learning Spanish Like Crazy

(3 Stars out of 5 Stars)

An all-audio course covering three levels of Spanish from beginner to lower intermediate level.
(Learning Like Crazy - Spoken Spanish, Lessons 1-16, Lessons 17-30) Volume #2 Spoken Spanish, Lessons 31-60) Learn Spanish Like Crazy includes over 17 hours of recorded native Spanish audio.

(4 Stars out of 5 Stars)

The appeal of this audio-based program for many users is that there is a lot of repetition with regard to constant instructions said and repeated in Spanish. Some users find that the commands become second nature after listening to the narrator say them over and over in each lesson. As an audio program it is also very portable for people who are looking for lessons to listen to while they're in the car, for example. Some users may prefer a program which is not solely audio-based and have LSLC this to supplement another course.

Sales Pitch/Selling Points:

Content Quality:          (3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars)
Value:          (4.5 Stars out of 5 Stars)
Effectiveness:           (3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars)
Overall Rating:          (5 Stars out of 5 Stars)

The lessons were put together by college-educated native Latin Americans so that you will be learning the colloquial language, as it's heard on the streets of Central and South America, but with an elevated vocabulary level. The appeal for some users is that you'll be getting a good idea of the vocabulary and accent of Latin America.

Reading Between the Lines: You may not want to just focus in on Latin American Spanish if you're heading to Europe where the accent will be noticeably different. Consider also that there are still regionalities and differences in accents/lingo within Central and South American Spanish itself.

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  An all-audio course covering three levels of Spanish from beginner to lower intermediate level. (Learning Like Crazy - Spoken Spanish, Lessons 1-16, Lessons 17-30) Volume #2 Spoken Spanish, Lessons 31-60) Learn Spanish Like Crazy includes over 17 hours of recorded native Spanish audio.  
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